The explosion of Mount Vesuvius in 79 d.c., while it led to the destruction of entire cities, the other has enriched this land of another typical product, once used for road and port works. It is the lava stone of Vesuvius, by the fantasy of the great innovative master craftsmen and artists Vesuvius, it has come to produce unique items by genre and exclusivity.

The objects made of ceramic and lava stone are all customizable, according to the taste and customer utility, on this issue we assure the maximum availability, professionalism and satisfaction, backed up by industry professionals. In particular, products that you can customize by adding ceramic additions or lava of Vesuvius stone are: tableschairskitchen and bathroom interiors, artistic benches Outdoor and braziers.

Below, you will find some examples of work carried out by our craftsmen artists. To order and receive personalized and exclusive product directly to your home, through domestic and international shipping, please contact us at our mail/telephone number below, specifying the details of the request. Our pleasant staff, is at your disposal to satisfy all your questions and eventually to accompany you in the buying process.